Title: Speechless
Author: Hannah Harrington
Publisher: HarlequinTeen
Year of Release: 2012
ISBN: 978 19219657 9
Source: Purchased
Number or Pages: 268
Everyone knows that Chelsea Knot can't keep a secret...
Until now. Because the last secret she shared turned her into a social outcast- and nearly got someone killed. Now Chelsea has taken a vow of silence- to learn to keep her mouth shut, and and to stop hurting everyone else. And if she thinks keeping secrets is hard, not speaking up when she's ignored, ridiculed and even attacked is worse.
But there's strength in silence, and in the new friends who are, shockingly, coming her way. People she never noticed before. A boy she might even fall for. If only her new friends can forgive what she's done. If only she can forgive herself.
This book was incredible. I could really see Harrington's books becoming movies one day. Speechless is Hannah Harrington's second book and it's just fantastic. I read Saving June some time last year and I loved it, so I wasn't too surprised when I found this book just as good. The main character Chelsea wasn't a very friendly person at the beginning of the book. I personally thought she was a royal b*tch. She's with the in-crowd and her best friend, Kristen is the most adored and popular girl in school. The book starts with Chelsea confessing to Kristen that she snooped through a girl's phone and found photos of this girl making out with her best friend's boyfriend. She forwarded the photo's to her own phone and uses them to blackmail the girl into getting her and Kristen fake ID's. Like I said, royal b*tch.
So, she's not a very appealing character at the start. After she shares a secret that really wasn't hers to share, someone nearly gets killed. Her 'friends' turn against her and, disgusted with herself for what's she's done, Chelsea takes a vow of silence. She doesn't even speak up when her car is defaced, the slurs on her locker door get menacing, or even when she is verbally abused. All of this, however, pales in comparison to what Chelsea is putting herself through.
But as new people start entering her life, Chelsea realises that maybe it's time she forgives herself for her failures and moves on. A book about change and fresh starts, finding new people as well as finding yourself. I think every teenager should read this book. There's an underlying message here that targets teens in their own world- word's do hurt.
I really enjoyed this book and I absolutely cannot wait to see what comes next from Hannah Harrington.
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